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PRIVACY NOTICE Updated May 2018 - Adam Hayes Electrical Limited  

Here at Adam Hayes Electrical Limited we take your privacy very seriously and only use your information that you have provided. This information is for us to be able to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us. We are a service provider and your information is used solely to administer written correspondence by e-mail or post such as an invoice, estimate and receipt if required.

Data We Hold

Name, Address, telephone number and e-mail address if available.  

We are contacted directly by our customers, we do not operate on a call out system and we are not selling anything. We are a service provider.

All the information we hold is provided by you.

How Data is Used

We NEVER share data, unless instructed by you directly to do so.

The data is used for us to send by post or e-mail, your correspondence relating to the work we have completed for you.

We do not hold any financial information.


Adam Hayes Electrical Limited maintains a secure server that keeps this information and any print outs or files are disposed of securely.

All the data is securely stored, and we must keep manual files for a specified amount of time and inline with The Data Protection Act.

We take all reasonable steps in reviewing security on a regular basis.

If at any time you wish to revert to receiving any correspondence from Adam Hayes Electrical Limited, please get in touch with us.