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May 2018

General Data Protection Regulation

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been put together to protect the privacy and data of EU citizens. It is a Regulation that applies consistently across the E.U. It replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and it aims to broaden the reach of EU data protection law across Europe. In May 2018, the GDPR will signify change for a lot of marketers, specifically it will affect the way data is collected, processed and used.

Customer Data

Adam Hayes Electrical Limited only keeps the information that is necessary to conduct its business.

This includes:

Customer or Company Name

Address or Registered Address

Contact Name(s)

Contact Email

Contact Telephone Number(s)

Company References (includes all of the above)

This information is retained for communication purposes only to provide you with an estimate or invoice of account and is NEVER shared with anyone without consent.

Adam Hayes Electrical Limited maintains a secure server that keeps this information and any print outs of this data are shredded once they have been utilised.

We DO NOT keep customer credit or debit card information. All payment data is handled directly by the bank itself.

If you've got any questions about how we handle our data, please contact us using the details below:


Send us an email using the address below. For data protection enquiries, please include 'GDPR Enquiry' in the subject field.
